Brazil Samambaia

Brazil Samambaia
We taste: jammy, cocoa, nutty
Farm: Samambaia owned by Joao Carlos Vissoso
Region: Alta Mogiana
Processing Method: Natural
Elevation: 960 msl
Varieties: Catuaí and Mundo Novo
Samambaia is a family owned coffee farm that has been in Joao’s family for decades. As a traditional family coffee-growing producer, Joao has always worked alongside his father and his brothers. In 2005, he began his own crop and has been making improvements to increase the quality of his harvests.
The first coffee plants reportedly arrived in Brazil in the early 18th century, with their cultivation spreading from Pará in the north to Rio de Janeiro within half a century. By 1820, Brazil was responsible for 30% of the world's coffee supply, a figure that had increased to 80% by 1920.
Brazil's post-harvest processing techniques are unique and have been developed in response to a combination of factors, including productivity, climate, and desired flavor profile. Naturally processed coffees are either dried on the tree before harvesting (known as Boya), or picked and left out on patios to dry before being hulled. This process lends the coffee a nutty creaminess and a more subdued fruit flavor than the bright and acidic "Washed" or "Honey" coffees from Mesoamerica.
When brewed, this Brazilian coffee has a fruit-forward flavor profile with base notes of mixed nuts and cocoa, and a pleasant acidity reminiscent of a mixed berry jam. It has a creamy, full body and sweetens as it cools. Enjoyable solo or with milk.