Colombia El Faldón

Colombia El Faldón
We taste: cherry, pear, almond butter
Farm: El Faldón owned by Arnulfo Leguizamo
Region: San Agustín, Huila
Processing Method: Washed
Elevation: 1,840 msl
Varieties: Caturra
The farm, El Faldón, is owned by the legendary Arnulfo Leguizamo. As a member of Asociación Los Naranjos, Arnulfo is a leader in his community and supports his fellow farmers in their efforts to improve their coffee quality. In 2011, he won the first prize at the Cup of Excellence with coffee from this farm. An unprecedented price of $45/lb was paid for the Cup of Excellence–winning coffee. He continues to be a hard-working, approachable, and generous producer, and an inspiration to others—including his son Diego, who has started managing Finca El Faldón alongside his father. Diego has trained up as a cupper and seeks to be in charge of operations in the future, a multigenerational coffee family.
Recently, Arnulfo has become even more of an innovator and leader in his community by opening a café. It’s an honor to bring this coffee to our own café and roastery, another family-owned business.