Mexico El Triunfo

Mexico El Triunfo
We taste: hot cocoa, limeade, shortbread
Farmer(s): various smallholder farmers of CESMACH
Region: Sierra Madre, Chiapas
Processing Method: Washed
Elevation: 1,200-1,750 msl
Varieties: Bourbon, Typica, Mundo Novo
Certification: Fair Trade Organic
This coffee comes to us from farms located in the buffer zone of El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, which is in the highlands of the Sierra Madre. it is one of the most diverse forest reserve areas in the world and contains Mesoamerica's largest cloud forest, as well as a protected natural environment for thousands of plant and animal species. All of the coffee produced here is shade-grown.
We’ve been impressed with the quality of the coffees from this region year after year. And that makes sense! The region contains all the textbook conditions for success: heirloom coffee varieties, high altitude, and passionate people who want to produce high-quality coffee.
In the cup, this exemplary Mexican coffee has subtle hints of citrus, along with notes of hot chocolate, almond, and shortbread. The medium roast level also brings out a caramel-like sweetness.