Peru Cenfrocafe

Peru Cenfrocafe
We taste: cocoa, plum, toasted nut
Co-op: Cenfrocafe (~2,000 small-holder farmers)
Region: San Ignacio, Jaen, Cajamarca
Processing Method: Washed
Elevation: 1,600 msl
Variety: Bourbon, Typica, Caturra
Certifications: Organic
For the past five years, this delicious Peruvian coffee has been a staple in some of our most beloved blends like our Dawn Chaser and Thaddeus. The Cenfrocafe co-op consistently produces high quality, organic, FairTrade certified coffee. While it’s a harmonious part of a blend, it’s also a delicious, balanced soloist.
It’s always our goal to partner with farmers and co-ops who prioritize people over profits and who are good stewards of the environment. Sometimes that means partnering with farmers and co-ops like Cenfrocafe who have certifications like “Fairtrade” and “Organic”, while costly official certifications are not always possible for all farmers and co-ops.
Celebrating over twenty years, Cenfrocafe was founded in 1999 with 220 small-scale coffee farmers and currently serves more than 2,000 farmer members within the lush Cajamarca region. The co-op provides support to its members including: technical assistance and quality control workshops, marketing services, and economic and leadership training for the young people in their rural communities. Without this kind of strong organization, local farmers would have otherwise been left each to his or her own devices to develop best practices for healthy fields and increased production yields, or for the marketing and sales of their coffee.
The results to date are impressive, and the improved revenue for farmers has been instrumental for their access to basic healthcare, education, and other social services. Cenfrocafe founding member and former president of the producer Board of Directors, Anselmo Huaman Moreto, explains: “A huge difference in our lives is that now our children can actually go to school, our coffee is being recognized in the market for the quality we produce, we are receiving a fair price for our efforts, and our members can be proud again to be farmers.”