Tanzania Aviv Estate

Tanzania Aviv Estate
We taste: rhubarb, melon, pear
Farm: Aviv Estate
Region: Songea, Ruvuma
Processing Method: Washed
Elevation: 1,000-1,300 msl
Varieties: Catimor, N39
Certifications: Rainforest Alliance
Since its establishment in 2011, Aviv Estate has become one of the largest fully irrigated coffee projects in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. The estate has achieved full government support as one of the largest estates in the region. Aviv has also received certification from the Alliance for Water Stewardship since 2016 for its efforts to ensure water security for the 300,000 people living in the Ruvuma River Basin. The estate has also initiated several community and social initiatives to support local villages.
During harvest season, workers begin picking coffee cherries early in the morning and deliver them to the wet mill in the afternoon. The coffee cherries undergo a washing process where they are depulped, graded into different channels according to size and density, and washed clean.
After the outer skin and pulp of the cherry are removed during the washing process, a thick protective layer called “parchment” still covers the remaining seed. The coffee is then fermented in its parchment for 24–36 hours and washed clean. It is then soaked for 8–12 hours before being moved to drying tables for 7–14 days. Finally, the parchment layer is removed at the dry mill before the coffee is transported for export.
When brewed, this coffee has tropical and herbaceous notes but is still sweet and approachable. It is delicious served black but also pairs well with milk.